1. Customs Agency
2. State Receivables Collection Agency
3. Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting
4. Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
5. Bulgarian Trade Promotion Agency
6. Privatisation Agency
7. National Employment Service
8. Foreign Investment Agency
9. Cadastre Agency
10. Българска агенция за експортно застраховане
11. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
12. Supreme Administrative Court
13. General Tax Directorate
14. Главна дирекция "Гражданска регистрация и административно обслужване
15. Държавна агенция за българи в чужбина
16. Държавна агенция за младежта и спорта
17. Държавна агенция за осигурителен надзор
18. Държавна агенция за енергийна ефективност
19. Държавна агенция по стандартизация и метрология
20. Commodity Exchange and Wholesale Markets State Commission
21. Bulgarian National Securities Commission
22. Еxecutive Agency “General Labour Inspectorate”
23. Communication Policy
24. Ministry Council
25. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
26. Ministry of Interior
27. Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources
28. Ministry of Health
29. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
30. Ministry of Economy
31. Ministry of Culture
32. Ministry of Education and Science
33. Ministry of Environment and Water
34. Ministry of Defence
35. Ministry of Justice
36. Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
37. Ministry of Transport and Communications
38. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
39. Ministry of Finance
40. Parliament
41. National Center for Information and Documentation
42. National Social Security Institute
43. National Statistical Institute
44. National Health Insurance Fund
45. Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
46. President of the Republic of Bulgaria
47. Audit Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
48. Sofia Municipality
49. Central Depository
50. Center for Mass Privatization
51. Център за промишлеността на Република България в Москва
52. Association of Accounting Houses in Bulgaria
53. Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry